
Product Feature Update: Delivery Status

Product Releases

We’ve made some recent changes to the status updates in several platform areas. The first update is to the ‘Your Recent Orders’ section of the home screen.

On desktop, we now show a coloured dot next to each order, representing its status. Hover over it with your mouse to see the status.

Desktop view

On mobile, we have changed the colour of the order cards to reflect the various order statuses.

  • Yellow: Placed
  • Blue: Dispatched
  • Green: Completed
  • Red: Cancelled
Mobile view

We’ve also made some updates to the order overview page; you’ll now be able to hover over the status in desktop view and see what each status means for you.

You may have noticed that we’ve added ‘Completed’ to the list of statuses, so what does this mean? When you see the ‘Completed’ position, it simply means that you can download the tax invoice and view the final cost of your order!

Tool tip - order status colours and their meaning

Lastly, on the ‘Order Details’ page, we have visualised the status flow to know what’s going on with your order at all times. Where your order has been cancelled, you’ll be able to see clearly when and why it was cancelled as well as a quick link to speak with our friendly support team if you need their assistance.

Final order status desktop view


Ordermentum is the smarter ordering solution for food service. Order everything you need in one place, find the right suppliers and get full control of your COGS

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